Finding Clarity for Art & Family in Savannah


Savannah is such a romantic city. The feel I get when walking along the old cobblestone roads is one of nostalgia. Oh, if those streets could speak! It's almost as if I can feel the years that have past and sense the stories housed in the old walls and trees. If I was a writer I would certainly go there to be inspired. Jonathan and I decided to add a few days onto my work trip to celebrate our 5 year anniversary. Bringing Eleanora back again was a joy as well. I look forward to showing her these memories of our time together one day. Whenever I travel my heart feels the dichotomy between taking in the beauty of things behind my lens and the pull to be completely unencumbered to focus on experiencing it with those around me. I took my camera with me on just a few outings and then left it back at our place for the rest. It was the perfect balance between my two worlds. I feel so passionate about being both an artist and mother, and discovering how to do both with excellence. This trip was a huge part of that for me.

I crave inspiration from traveling, but I also love adventuring with my family. Sometimes I can do both, and at times I need to choose what is most important. This visit to Savannah provided me more clarity. These 4 days helped me become more intuitive in how to do what is best when it comes to these particular and immense passions in this fleeting life. It's a beautiful challenge that I'm growing in daily. The reward of investing all that I am in both my art and my family is a lasting legacy. Both are worth the sacrifices required. The fact that I have both is making me better in each realm. I'm a better wife and mother because I am an artist, and likewise I'm a better artist because I am a wife and mother. I feel a deeper connection to one because of the other. Each side keeps my perspective in check and helps me have a greater appreciation for my work and family. I feared so much of these "what ifs" when I was pregnant with Eleanora, but God knew what He was doing. Trusting His path is not always easy, but nothing worth doing is ever easy. He is the anchor for all my worlds, all my passions. They find their center in Him because He is leagues above everything else in my heart. When something else creeps up close, then it all falls apart. He has to stay the center, the highest, the first. These few images remind me of these beautiful truths and how it feels to be balanced, peaceful and full of joy. Again, it is one of the many reasons I love imagery. They transport you back to a memory. These will always be a treasure because of the things I learned and felt along the streets of Savannah.




