Everything I Need for Motherhood

Everything I Need for Motherhood

I remember when I was in the throws of having newborn twins, moving into a new house, and starting a new homeschool year. We had just transitioned from three kids to five. It was a continual cycle of feedings, meal making, school, feedings, and naps. Rinse and repeat all day. To be honest I was living in survival mode, constantly stressed and frazzled. I never got much of a break and was needed nearly 24/7. I wanted to find joy in my numerous blessings, my five kids, and our life, instead of drowning in all the work it took to keep everyone alive and fed. I wanted to be a calm and gentle mom, not a stressed-out mom. I wanted God’s peace, not a constantly hectic feeling.

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A Mother's Example | Cherry Blossom Portraits

A Mother's Example |  Cherry Blossom Portraits

If there is one thing motherhood has taught me, it is that my children learn more from what I do than what I say. If I find true enjoyment in something, they seem to enjoy it also. If I complain about something, I find they mimic my complaints later. They mirror the way I treat them, the way I talk to others, and the emotions I express. To my dismay, they often mirror my negative qualities along with the positive. “The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree,” they say. And it’s true. So what kind of apples am I growing? What kind of tree am I?

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How the Nursery Reminds Me of God’s Faithfulness

How the Nursery Reminds Me of God’s Faithfulness

The twins are now officially big boys in toddler beds. I remember when I was planning their nursery just before they were born. Our time was running out at our townhouse and we had nowhere to go. We tried unsuccessfully for months to find somewhere to live. I wanted their room to reminded me of God’s faithfulness on the mountains and in the valleys. I wanted a peaceful room, full of dark and light contrast to remind me that both darkness and light are the same to Him. I can be at peace in Him, regardless of our circumstances.

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The Peace of Right Priorities | Raspberry Patch Utah

The Peace of Right Priorities | Raspberry Patch Utah

For the past year or so I’ve been trying to get rid of stress in my life. I realized a while back that I am often choosing my stress. Now, with five kids (including twins) life can get stressful pretty quickly with just the normal day-to-day things! Even so, I’ve been trying to get at the root of my stress. It’s not good for my body, my family, or my walk with the Lord. After many months of examining, I believe the root of most of my stress comes when my priorities aren’t right.

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A Change of Season | Utah State Capitol Cherry Blossoms

A Change of Season | Utah State Capitol Cherry Blossoms

The seasons are changing here in Utah. Winter has slowly released it’s grip, and Spring has turned up everywhere you look. Our little neighborhood streets are lined with blooming trees, the dandelions dot the green grass with yellow balls of brightness, and the sunlight pours through our windows until almost 8 PM. It always baffles me how quickly the seasons change, and how excited I am to experience the next one. Our family is entering a new season too, and I’m excited to see it start to open us up to something new.

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